Slit turtleneck sweater in merino wool - Amy

¥ 30,800 税込

  • 01ブラック
  • 04-ライトブルー
  • 05-ネイビーブルー
  • 15オレンジ
  • 17パープル
  • 26-ダークピンク
  • 83カーキ
  • 51、ボルドー
  • 52レッド
  • XS
  • S
  • M
  • L
  • XL

Composition : 100% Merino wool

A new timeless piece, Amy charms with its clean and modern lines. Knitted in pure merino wool, for maximum warmth and softness, it features a turtleneck and discreet side slits.

These subtle details, combined with the unmatched comfort of merino wool, make Amy an essential sweater for the winter season.



Care advice: Machine wash at 30° (wool cycle), spin limited to 300 rpm. We strongly advise against fabric softeners and softeners.
Tumble dryer not recommended, flat drying recommended.

Shoulder width - AChest measurement - CSleeve length - EGarment length - OBottom width - T
T.XXL- T.4465130-13448,56358
Measures in centimeter
Clothing care

Lavage machine 30° (programme laine, peu chargée). Évitez mélange couleurs. Pas d'adoucissant, sèche-linge. Essorage max 300 tours/min. Séchez à plat. Jet vapeur pour défroisser tricots.


Shipments take place the same day for any order placed after 3 p.m., during working days. After 3 p.m., shipments take place the next working day.
Delivery time worldwide with DHL : 3-5 days

You have 14 days from receipt of your order to request an exchange, a voucher or a refund. Upon receipt of your return, we will exchange, create a voucher or refund as soon as possible.