Polo in light thread - Babar

¥ 39,000 税込

  • 01ブラック
  • 05-ネイビーブルー
  • 23-ライトグリーン
  • 24-ライトピンク
  • キャメル
  • 83カーキ
  • 82-エクリュ
  • 51、ボルドー
  • 77-スカイブルー
  • 48-ロイヤルブルー
  • S
  • M
  • L
  • XL
  • XXL
  • XXXL

Fabric: 100% Polyamide

Discover the elegance and lightness of the Babar polo shirt, one of the key pieces of our summer collection. Polo shirt reinvented for a modern aesthetic while maintaining the expected comfort. This style fuses a modern silhouette with a light and airy feel, perfect for summer temperatures.



Measures TableGarment measurements (in centimeters)

Legend: Shoulders (A), Chest circumference (C), Total length (O), Bottom width (T)
SizeShoulders (A)Chest circumference (C)Total length (O)Bottom width (T)
S (T.36)3742-4665.546
M (T.38)3945-496749
L (T.40)4148-5268.552
XL (T.42)4351-557055
XXL (T.44)4554-5871.558
XXXL (T.46)4754-587361

Measurements in centimeters

Clothing care

Lavage machine 30° (programme laine, peu chargée). Évitez mélange couleurs. Pas d'adoucissant, sèche-linge. Essorage max 300 tours/min. Séchez à plat. Jet vapeur pour défroisser tricots.


Shipments take place the same day for any order placed after 3 p.m., during working days. After 3 p.m., shipments take place the next working day.
Delivery time worldwide with DHL : 3-5 days

You have 14 days from receipt of your order to request an exchange, a voucher or a refund. Upon receipt of your return, we will exchange, create a voucher or refund as soon as possible.